Phishing and Fraudulent Site Detection API

The Bolster Scan API can detect the following scams and threat categories in real-time:

  • Zero-Day Phishing
  • Tech Support Scams
  • Gift Card Scams
  • Survey Scams
  • Adult Websites
  • Drug Pharmacy (Drug Spam) Websites
  • Illegal/Rogue Streaming Sites
  • Gambling Websites
  • Hacked Websites
  • Cryptojacking / Cryptomining

Use the Scan API to submit the URLs you would like to have scanned. You can submit for a quick scan or full scan. Your Bolster enterprise license determines the limit on the number of scan requests you can submit.

Before You Start: Locate Your API Key

You will need to provide your Bolster API key to submit URLs for scan requests.

  1. Click the user dropdown on the right.
  2. Click Profile Information.
  3. Copy the API key displayed in your profile screen.

How to Use the Scan API

To use the Scan API, you complete the following steps:

  1. Submit the URL you want to scan.
  2. Query the results of the scan when complete.

Submitting a URL for Scanning

Your scan request requires the following information:



API host:


Your Bolster API key

To request a scan, submit the following request:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"apiKey": "<api_key>", "urlInfo": {"url": "<url_to_scan>"}}' \


Optionally, one or multiple tags can be added to the scanned URL. See Using Tags to Annotate Detections or allowed tags.

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"apiKey": "<api_key>", "urlInfo": {"url": "<url_to_scan>"}, "tags": ["Watchlist"]}' \



curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"apiKey": "1f207653ec034ab9f04fbdd8e09fa7879205b4c85addeaa299da326167cc00a1", "urlInfo": {"url": "http://webidlogin101997.5gbfree.com/"}}' \



The scan request will return a job ID and timestamp in JSON format:

  "jobID": "ca1b827b-1f14-4e74-a242-ed17cc1808b0",
  "timestamp": 1538090611675


Querying the Scan Results

Submit the following request to query your scan results:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"apiKey": "<apiKey>", "jobID": "<jobID>", "insights": "basic"}' \


where <jobID > is the job ID returned by your scan request.


curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"apiKey": "1f207653ec034ab9f04fbdd8e09fa7879205b4c85addeaa299da326167cc00a1", "jobID": "ca1b827b-1f14-4e74-a242-ed17cc1808b0", "insights": "basic"}'



Results will be returned in JSON format.

Before the scan is completed, the response will return with “PENDING” status.

  "job_id": "ca1b827b-1f14-4e74-a242-ed17cc1808b0",
  "url": "http://webidlogin101997.5gbfree.com/",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "scan_start_ts": 1654129884891


Basic insights information are returned when “insights” is set to “basic” or “verbose” in the query.

  "job_id": "ca1b827b-1f14-4e74-a242-ed17cc1808b0",
  "status": "DONE",
  "url": "http://webidlogin101997.5gbfree.com/",
  "url_sha256": "a395e2130500750d34703f66c62c50ce99be0c7272b6763f6508c6bd473f1d74",
  "disposition": "phish",
  "brand": "paypal",
  "scan_start_ts": 1654129884891,
  "scan_end_ts": 1654129887641,
  "error": false,
  "tags": [
  "insights": {
    "insights_path": "https://checkphish.ai/insights/url/1654129884891/a395e2130500750d34703f66c62c50ce99be0c7272b6763f6508c6bd473f1d74",
    "resolved": true,
    "screenshot_path": "https://xxxx.xxxx.amazonaws.com/20220602/a395e2130500750d34703f66c62c50ce99be0c7272b6763f6508c6bd473f1d74_1654129884891.png",
 "dom_source_path": "https://xxxx.xxxx.amazonaws.com/20220602/a395e2130500750d34703f66c62c50ce99be0c7272b6763f6508c6bd473f1d74_1654129884891.txt", "image_objects": [ { "brand": "paypal", "product": "paypal", "object_type": "logo", "prob": 0.78, "image_height": 1080, "image_width": 1920, "width": 134.4, "height": 32.4, "x": 9.6, "y": 5.4 } ] } }


The response includes the following information in JSON format:

  • job_id: job ID of the scan
  • status:  Status of whether the job has completed. Returns DONE when completed, PENDING when in progress.
  • url: URL submitted for scanning
  • url_sha256: SHA256 of the url submitted for scanning
  • brand: Brand being targeted by the URL
  • disposition: the list of dispositions can be found below
  • scan_start_ts: Unix Timestamp of when the scan the triggered
  • scan_end_ts: Unix Timestamp of when the scan ended
  • categories: List of categories from our webpage category detection model
  • tags: List of tags added
  • insights: List of scan insights data, see below.

Basic insights data:

  • insights_path: insights link
  • screenshot_path: storage location of the screenshot for the scan
  • dom_source_path: storage location of the DOM source for the scan
  • resolvedtrue if the URL resolved. Else false

Verbose insights data:

  • cert: SSL certification information
  • parked: if the domain is parked domain.
  • redirection_chain: a list of urls of the redirection chain if there’s any.
  • last_scan_ts: last time the URL was scanned.
  • past_phish: number of past phish count of IP address and hostname.
  • passive_dns_list: a list of passive DNS entries of the IP address.

    List of Dispositions

    Disposition description Disposition identifier returned in response
    Phishing Websites phish
    Gift Card Scams/ Survey Scams/Tech support scams scam
    Adult websitse adult
    Drug Spam/Drug Pharmacy Sites drug_spam
    Gambling websites gambling
    Suspicious websites suspicious
    Likely Phish websites likely_phish
    Cryptomining/Cryptojacking cryptojacking
    Illegal Streaming website websites streaming
    Hacked/Defaced websites hacked_website
    Mortgage Refinance Scam mortgage
    Clean Websites clean

    List of Categories

    See Intent Detection – Categories.

    API Rate Limiting

    Scan API requests are restricted to the rate specified by your Bolster enterprise license. If requests exceed this rate, the caller will receive the following error:

      "error": {
        "status_code": 429,
        "status": "Request rate limit exceeded. Please try again later"