A chicken dinner in Las Vegas used to cost less than $2.00 and the usual bet at that time was $2.00, so when you won you had enough for the chicken dinner. Hence “Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Source: Quora

It used to be the case when gambling started in Vegas, that it could only be done at casinos. With the proliferation of internet, people can now gamble anywhere. They can do it at work, home or even on their phones when they’re on the go. According to Statista US, online gambling market is worth $52B. And that makes it really lucrative for bad actors. The U.S. justice department passed a decision yesterday to mark all online gambling illegal. This is a big step toward curtailing the online criminal activity perpetrated through gambling sites. In the past, FBI reported that such sites are rife with criminal activity like money laundering, wire fraud and various other scams. Just to give you an idea, in the last six months, our AI engine detected tens of thousands of new gambling sites.

Here are few examples of gambling sites offering casino games online.

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Our Prediction: Online gambling sites will see massive increase
With DOJ’s decision to mark all online gambling illegal in US, we predict a huge underserved market will be created. This market will be taken over by bad actors who will continue to create such sites by thousands every month.
How AI can help
We believe blocking tens of thousands of gambling site per month would be a losing battle with blacklists. With the help of Deep Learning (NLP), AI can help us analyze the content of the website instead of looking at the links.
At RedMarlin, we’re already a step ahead with our solution to detect these sites in realtime.
If your organization has a need for detecting gambling websites in realtime to protect your employees, RedMarlin’s APIs can help.
In our effort to help all internet users, we also provide a free scanning tool Checkphish to detect more than 10 different types of online scams.